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Tag Archives: tales of development hell
That Time Dracula, Grand Moff Tarkin, and Kojak Became Monster Hunters
You remember my series of posts called Tales of Development Hell, don’t you? They’re the real-life stories of publishing projects in which I’d been involved that died tragic deaths somewhere during the development process. Sometimes they were murdered before a … Continue reading
Speed Racer: A Taste of Speed
Okay, I’ve teased it enough in the last two posts, so here it is: the first chapter of the unpublished Speed Racer: Leviathan novel. It might be a little rough—it was written over a decade ago, and it’s in its … Continue reading
Posted in On Writing, tales of development hell
Tagged speed racer, tales of development hell
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Speed Racer: The Unexpected Dodgeballer
So, yesterday I told you how Byron Preiss Multimedia had acquired the rights to Speed Racer, I was hired to write a brand-new novel titled Speed Racer: Leviathan, and then Multimedia went into bankruptcy. But before the doors closed, I … Continue reading
Posted in On Writing, tales of development hell
Tagged speed racer, tales of development hell
Speed Racer: Still a Demon on Wheels
As I explained yesterday, I’ve written for licensed properties like Spider-Man, Doctor Who, and the X-Men. But do you think those are the only characters I got the chance to destroy—er, I mean, play with? (Not if you saw my … Continue reading
Posted in On Writing, tales of development hell
Tagged mark zug, speed racer, tales of development hell
Spider-Man/Gambit: The Lost Novel
Some of you folks out there already know that I’ve written for licensed properties. For those of you who don’t, here’s a quick rundown: the novels X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy and Final Destination: Dead Man’s Hand; short stories for … Continue reading
Posted in On Writing, Publishing, tales of development hell
Tagged gambit, spider-man, tales of development hell
Teenage Mutant Ninja Novels
Believe it—I was supposed to write a trilogy of novels starring the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! No, really. In honor of IDW’s new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book series hitting shops this week, I figured I’d share with you … Continue reading