- "Starwarp Concepts is a small press company that presents itself with nothing but professionalism." —Severe Magazine
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Tag Archives: starwarp concepts backlist
SWC at 30: Behind the Scenes at StarWarp Concepts, Part 3
The following is the third installment of a four-part interview that first appeared on the site Write a Revolution, back in 2015, but since WaR is apparently no longer around, I’m presenting it (with some updates) as part of our … Continue reading
Posted in Comic Books, Digital Comics, Interviews, StarWarp Concepts, Steven A. Roman
Tagged conventions, heartstopper, heroines and heroes, Interviews, starwarp concepts 30th anniversary, starwarp concepts backlist, steven a. roman, the saga of pandora zwieback #0
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SWC at 30: Behind the Scenes at StarWarp Concepts, Part 2
The following is the second installment of a four-part interview with StarWarp Concepts owner/publisher/main writer Steven A. Roman (that’s me!) that first appeared on the site Write a Revolution, back in 2015, but since WaR is apparently no longer around, … Continue reading
Posted in Blood Feud, Carmilla, Classic Fiction, Horror, Illustrated Classics, Interviews, Pandora Zwieback, Princess of Mars, StarWarp Concepts, Steven A. Roman
Tagged a princess of mars, blood feud: the saga of pandora zwieback book 1, blood reign: the saga of pandora zwieback book 2, carmilla, Interviews, king kong, snow white, starwarp concepts 30th anniversary, starwarp concepts backlist, steven a. roman, the saga of pandora zwieback
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SWC at 30: Behind the Scenes at StarWarp Concepts, Part 1
It’s interview time, with StarWarp Concepts owner/publisher/main writer Steven A. Roman (that’s me!). The four-part interview that we’re kicking off today first appeared on the site Write a Revolution, back in 2015, but since WaR is apparently no longer around, … Continue reading
Posted in Interviews, Lorelei, StarWarp Concepts, Steven A. Roman
Tagged bob larkin sketchbook, Interviews, lorelei, lorelei presents: house macabre, lorelei: sects and the city, starwarp concepts 30th anniversary, starwarp concepts backlist, steven a. roman, swc at 30, terra incognito: a guide to building the worlds of your imagination, troubleshooters incorporated
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Welcome to StarWarp Concepts!
StarWarp Concepts—I’ll admit it’s not exactly the kind of name you’d expect for a publishing company that mostly specializes in tales of horror and dark urban fantasy, but then we’ve always had that penchant for making unexpected (and sometimes unusual) … Continue reading
Posted in Classic Fiction, Comic Books, Dark Urban Fantasy, Digital Comics, Fantasy, Graphic Novels, Horror, Illustrated Classics, Nonfiction, Publishing, Science Fiction, Sketchbooks, StarWarp Concepts, Writing Reference Books, Young Adult
Tagged comic books, fantasy and science fiction, graphic novels, horror classics, horror comic books, horror fiction, illustrated classics, nonfiction, science fiction, starwarp concepts 30th anniversary, starwarp concepts backlist, young adult fiction
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Happy Science Fiction Day 2023!
According to the National Day Calendar, National Science Fiction Day was launched in 2011 and was meant to correspond with this being the birth date of legendary sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov—author of such renowned classics as the Foundation Trilogy and I, Robot—who … Continue reading
Posted in Classic Fiction, Holidays, Illustrated Classics, Princess of Mars, Science Fiction
Tagged a princess of mars, dejah thoris, edgar rice burroughs, eliseu gouveia, holidays, illustrated classics, john carter, john gosling, national science fiction day, science fiction, starwarp concepts backlist
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Quality SWC Books for Your New E-reader
With yesterday being Christmas Day, and one of our ebook distributors, Smashwords, currently in the midst of its annual End of Year Sale, the timing couldn’t be better for those of you who either received a new e-reader as a … Continue reading
Posted in Dark Urban Fantasy, e-books, Fantasy, Holidays, Writing Reference Books, Young Adult
Tagged blood feud: the saga of pandora zwieback book 1, blood reign: the saga of pandora zwieback book 2, chasing danger, Dark Urban Fantasy, e-books, Fantasy, fantasy adventure, for a few gold pieces more, harbinger of darkness, richard c. white, starwarp concepts backlist, steven a. roman, terra incognito: a guide to building the worlds of your imagination, the worlds of richard c. white, world building, writers reference, writing reference, young adult fiction
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Smashwords’ End of Year 2022 Ebook Sale Is Underway!
Hey, book lovers! Today’s the day when e-book distributor Smashwords (and its parent company, Draft2Digital) launches its annual End of Year Sale, during which you can purchase thousands of digital books at special prices! It runs from December 15 to January 1, 2023—and … Continue reading
Posted in Dark Urban Fantasy, e-books, e-tailers, Events, Fantasy, Writing Reference Books, Young Adult
Tagged draft2digital, e-books, e-tailers, events, smashwords, smashwords end of year sale, starwarp concepts backlist
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Happy Red Planet Day 2022!
According to the calendar site Happy Days 365, Red Planet Day “honors the launch of the spacecraft Mariner 4, a robotic interplanetary probe on 28th November 1964 by NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). In the eight months it was on its … Continue reading
Posted in Classic Fiction, Holidays, Princess of Mars, Science Fiction
Tagged a princess of mars, dejah thoris, edgar rice burroughs, eliseu gouveia, holidays, john carter, mars, red planet day, science fiction, starwarp concepts backlist
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Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Supernatural Superheroes Found in the Wild
Every now and then, I like to drop by comic shops in the New York City area to see what’s on the shelves, and to paw through the boxes of discounted back issues in search of titles from the 1980s … Continue reading
Posted in Graphic Novels, Horror, Superheroes
Tagged bill lavin, graphic novels, joni m. white, randy zimmerman, reggie golden, richard c. white, starwarp concepts backlist, superheroes, troubleshooters incorporated
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Happy Love Your Red Hair Day 2022!
Redheads unite! Today is National Love Your Red Hair Day, so get out there and celebrate! According to the National Day Calendar, this annual event was created in 2015 by Adrienne and Stephanie Vendetti, cofounders of the beauty site How to … Continue reading
Posted in Comic Books, Digital Comics, Graphic Novels, Holidays, Horror, Lorelei, louis small jr.
Tagged comic books, digital comic books, graphic novels, holidays, horror comic books, lorelei, lorelei presents: house macabre, lorelei: genesis, lorelei: sects and the city, national love your red hair day, starwarp concepts backlist
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