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Tag Archives: joni m. white
Happy National Superhero Day 2024!
If you’re a devoted comic book fan, you probably noticed that the internet was set on fire this week when Disney and Marvel Studios released the F-bomb-dropping trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine, the sure-to-be summer blockbuster starring Ryan Reynolds in his … Continue reading
Posted in Comic Books, Digital Comics, Graphic Novels, Holidays, Richard C. White, Steven A. Roman, Superheroes
Tagged comic books, deadpool & wolverine, digital comic books, graphic novels, heroines and heroes, holidays, joni m. white, national superhero day, randy zimmerman, reggie golden, richard c. white, richard dominguez, shameless plugs, steven a. roman, troubleshooters incorporated
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It’s Will Eisner Week 2024!
Yes, it’s time again for Will Eisner Week: an annual celebration—held every year from March 1 to March 7—run by the Will and Ann Eisner Family Foundation, to promote literacy, graphic novels, free speech, and the legacy of the late Will … Continue reading
Posted in Comic Books, Eliseu Gouveia, Events, Graphic Novels, Lorelei, Pandora Zwieback, Richard C. White, Steven A. Roman
Tagged comic books, eliseu gouveia, elizabeth watasin, ernie colon, esteban maroto, events, graphic novels, henar torinos, joni m. white, lorelei: sects and the city, neil vokes, randy zimmerman, reggie golden, richard c. white, richard dominguez, saga of pandora zwieback annual, sholly fisch, starwarp concepts backlist, steve geiger, steven a. roman, tom sutton, troubleshooters incorporated, will eisner week
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Happy National Superhero Day 2023!
The second trailer for the latest DC Comics/Warner Bros.’ movie, The Flash, dropped the other day to much excitement and an advance screening has everyone buzzing about it, a week from Friday there’s the opening of the highly anticipated Guardians of the … Continue reading
Posted in Comic Books, Digital Comics, Graphic Novels, Holidays, Superheroes
Tagged comic books, digital comic books, graphic novels, heroines and heroes, holidays, joni m. white, national superhero day, randy zimmerman, reggie golden, richard c. white, richard dominguez, steven a. roman, superhero comics, superheroes, troubleshooters incorporated
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Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Supernatural Superheroes Found in the Wild
Every now and then, I like to drop by comic shops in the New York City area to see what’s on the shelves, and to paw through the boxes of discounted back issues in search of titles from the 1980s … Continue reading
Posted in Graphic Novels, Horror, Superheroes
Tagged bill lavin, graphic novels, joni m. white, randy zimmerman, reggie golden, richard c. white, starwarp concepts backlist, superheroes, troubleshooters incorporated
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Happy Buy Indie Comics Day 2022!
New York Comic Con 2022 might be opening its doors in the Big Apple this coming Thursday, but there’s no reason not to celebrate our favorite art form early—not when it’s time again for the annual celebration of Buy Indie Comics … Continue reading
Posted in Comic Books, Digital Comics, Events, Graphic Novels
Tagged bill bryan, buy indie comics day, chainsaw chuck majewski, dwight jon zimmerman, eliseu gouveia, elizabeth watasin, ernie colon, esteban maroto, events, henar torinos, john pierard, joni m. white, juan carlos abraldes rendo, lorelei presents: house macabre, lorelei: genesis, lorelei: sects and the city, lou manna, louis small jr., neil vokes, randy zimmerman, reggie golden, richard c. white, saga of pandora zwieback annual, sholly fisch, steve geiger, steven a. roman, tom sutton, troubleshooters incorporated, uriel caton
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SWC Backlist: Troubleshooters, Inc.: Night Stalkings
Continuing our review of SWC’s backlist, today we look at our dark-fantasy superhero graphic novel Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings, written by Richard C. White (Star Trek: Echoes of Coventry, The Ultimate Hulk) and Joni M. White and illustrated by Reggie … Continue reading
Posted in Graphic Novels, Publishing
Tagged backlist titles, Dark Urban Fantasy, joni m. white, randy zimmerman, reggie golden, richard c. white, superheroes, troubleshooters incorporated, werewolves
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Introducing Troubleshooters, Incorporated
Here at The ’Warp we have a thing we call “the Paniverse.” It’s the fictional universe in which our young adult series The Saga of Pandora Zwieback is set; a universe shared by other characters that fit within our horror … Continue reading
Posted in Publishing
Tagged gary thomas washington, jeff parker, joni m. white, randy zimmerman, reggie golden, richard c. white, richard dominguez, steve lieber, troubleshooters incorporated
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