Hey, book lovers! Do you like reading? Well, of course you do! Do you like reading out loud? If so, then today is your day to celebrate, because it’s World Read Aloud Day!
Started in 2009 by the nonprofit organization LitWorld and sponsored by mega–publishing house Scholastic, World Read Aloud Day “unites people around the world by highlighting the importance of reading aloud and sharing stories.”
Well, if you’re a parent looking for a book that you can read aloud with your child, how about sitting down and with a world-famous fairy tale that we offer as a handy e-book?

Snow White is the classic story by the Brothers Grimm, and one of the titles in our Illustrated Classics line. Featuring full-color illustrations first published in 1883 (and they really are beautiful drawings), this digital-exclusive titleis available for immediate download for the wickedly low price of just 99¢!
Snow White is a digital exclusive available for download, so visit its product page for ordering information and sample pages.