Hail to the King (Kong): Famous Monsters of Filmland Covers

King_Kong_LG_CoverWelcome back to Hail to the King (Kong), a series of posts that’ll pop up here and there that focus on merchandise and other things that relate to the giant gorilla who’s captured the hearts of monster-movie fans since his debut in 1933. It’s part of our promotion for the latest addition to our Illustrated Classics library: the e-book-exclusive edition of the 1932 novelization of King Kong, which is on sale right now.

Written by Delos W. Lovelace, based on the story by Edgar Wallace and Merian C. Cooper and the screenplay by James A. Creelman and Ruth Rose, it features scenes that didn’t appear in the final cut of the film—including the notorious “spider pit” sequence in which Kong’s human pursuers are attacked by horrific arachnids and insects. What makes our version special is that it contains six exclusive, original black-and-white illustrations by comics artist Paul Tuma, whose pulp-influenced style has appeared in the pages of The Twilight Avenger, The Green Hornet, and Dan Turner: Hollywood Detective.

Today we’re looking at Kong’s career as a cover model, specifically for the legendary horror magazine Famous Monsters of Filmland. Created in the 1950s by editor, genre fan, agent, and “Ackermonster” Forrest J Ackerman (who also created Vampirella), Famous Monsters was the lifeline that horror, sci-fi, and monster fans clung to for information and camaraderie in a world long before the arrival of the Internet. Much of its editorial focus was on films of the past, like the original King Kong, which allowed generations of fans to better understand the incredible histories of their favorite genres while also preserving the memories of classic films that might have faded into obscurity.

In this gallery (click on each image to embiggen, as they say), you’ll find:

FM #6: February 1960; cover art by Albert Nuetzell
FM #25: October 1963
FM #44: May 1967; cover art by Dan Atkins
FM #108: July 1974; cover art by Basil Gogos
FM #125: May 1976; cover art by John Berkey—detail from the Kong 1976 teaser movie poster
FM #132: March 1977; cover art by Basil Gogos
FM #267: April 2013; cover art by Jason Edmiston

Famous Monsters’ original run ended in 1983 and was revived by another publisher in 1993. One libel suit filed by Forry, a bankruptcy, and a change of publishers later, FM still exists today, but only as a company brand; its final print issue was #288 (October 2016), although long before then the current owners had decided to turn FM into a quarterly-but-maybe-annual magazine that focused on horror art. The true FM might have been killed by an art mag—yet one more example of beauty killing the beast!—but Forry Ackerman and his creation will always live on in the memories of monster fans.

King Kong (the SWC edition) is available right now for download, so visit its product page for ordering information.

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Not Into Bad-Girl Comics? We’ve Got You Covered

In yesterday’s post I wrote about DC Comics’ upcoming collection of Catwoman comics that were published during her 1990s “bad-girl era” series, and that if you’re a fan of similar comic-book femme fatales then we have the perfect characters for your reading enjoyment in the form of a soul-stealing succubus named Lorelei and a shape-shifting monster hunter named Sebastienne “Annie” Mazarin.

However, we know that not everyone finds those sort of characters interesting—no matter how well written or well drawn they might be—so if bad girls aren’t your thing, don’t worry! We also publish a choice selection of family-friendly titles:

pan_annual_lgThe Saga of Pandora Zwieback Annual #1 is a spinoff from the Saga of Pandora Zwieback novel series. This 56-page, full-color comic special finds the teenaged Goth in two adventures: the comic story “Song of the Siren,”—written by me, with art by Eliseu Gouveia (The Saga of Pandora Zwieback #0)—in which Pan runs afoul of a man-stealing siren who turns out to be the ex-girlfriend of Pan’s current boyfriend, Javier Maldonado; and “Shopping Maul,” a short story by me with title page art by Elizabeth Watasin (Charm School) that involves Pan and her friends crossing paths with a trio of Gothic Lolita vampires. The special also includes “After Hours,” a whimsical tale by writer Sholly Fisch (Scooby-Doo Team-Up), and comic-art legend Ernie Colon (Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld), about a demon visiting his local bar after a hard day at work. Cover art is by award-winning artist Henar Torinos (Mala Estrella).

troublshooters_lg_cover_revPerfect for superhero fans, Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings is a graphic novel about a supernatural team of superfolk-for-hire, consisting of a wizard, a sorceress, a female ninja, a high-tech-armor-wearing rock concert lighting designer, and a werewolf. Not every superhero team has Tony Stark’s billions to play with, you understand, and the Troubleshooters are just looking to earn a living while fighting the monsters that have always lurked in the shadows. Makes sense, right? Of course it does! Written by the husband-and-wife team of Richard C. White (The Chronicles of the Sea Dragon Special) and Joni M. White, and illustrated by Reggie Golden and Randy Zimmerman, Night Stalkings presents the TSI members on their first mission: protecting a multimillionaire from a trio of Middle Eastern demons out to raise a little hell!

seadragon_lrg_cov_revThe Chronicles of the Sea Dragon Special is is a one-shot digital comic created and written by Richard C. White, author of (Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings, For a Few Gold Pieces More). Drawn by Bill Bryan (artist of Caliber Press’ Dark Oz and DC Comics’ House of Mystery), and featuring cover art and color by Eliseu Gouveia (The Saga of Pandora Zwieback Annual #1), it’s a swashbuckling fantasy story set in a world where intrigue and economic warfare are as important as the strength of your sword. If you’re a fan of classic swashbuckling films like The Crimson Pirate, or love the Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise, this is the comic for you. Best of all, it’s 48 pages of high-seas adventure for just 99¢!

The Bob Larkin SketchbookThe Bob Larkin Sketchbook is a collection of some of incredible pencil drawings by the legendary cover painter for Doc Savage, Spider-Man, the X-Men, Star Trek, Star Wars, Planet of the Apes and many other pop-culture icons. What you’ll discover when you see this collection is how wide-ranging his subjects are. Sci-fi, horror, Westerns, pulp adventure, crime fiction, movie merchandise, even wrestling stars—as we say on the book’s back cover, there really is little that he hasn’t painted. And the sketchbook features three pieces created especially for it: the Pandora Zwieback cover art; a portrait of Patricia Savage, the fightin’ cousin of pulp fiction’s top-tier adventurer, Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze; and a two-page spread in which Doc faces off against another Golden Age crimefighter—The Shadow!

heroines_large_coverFinally, Heroines & Heroes is a free collection of comic stories and pinups all drawn by me, dating back to my days in the early 1990s small-press movement—that age of dinosaurs in which creators like me used to make our comics by printing them out on photocopiers and then stapling them by hand. In H&H you’ll find mainstream heroes and small-press heroines, and even a couple of anthropomorphic bikers. Leading off is “V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N (in the Summertime),” a three-page Wonder Woman vs. Harley Quinn story that I wrote and drew in the late ’90s as a sample for a DC Comics editor who thought I’d be a good fit for their Batman: The Animated Series comic (it didn’t work out). It’s followed by an adventure of small-presser Jeff Wood’s rabbit-eared superspy, Snowbuni; three pages from the long-canceled indie comic Motorbike Puppies; and an adventure of the indie superheroine The Blonde Avenger. And did I mention it’s a free download? (Yes, I did.)

The Saga of Pandora Zwieback Annual #1, Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings, and The Bob Larkin Sketchbook are available in print and digital formats; The Chronicles of the Sea Dragon Special and Heroines and Heroes are digital exclusives. Visit their respective product pages for ordering information.

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Bad-Girl Comics? We’re Familiar With That Genre…

lorelei_logoLast week, DC Comics announced the forthcoming publication of Catwoman by Jim Balent, Book One, a collection starring Batman’s number one femme fatale. Originally published as individual issues, this 1990s series was a prime example of what came to be known as “bad-girl comics”: female-led titles in which the heroines wore little clothing (or in Catwoman’s case. a form-fitting body stocking) and sexily fought their adversaries while posing in the most provocative ways.

Well, if sexy heroines are your thing, but you’re looking for ones with greater depth than being mere eye candy, we have a couple of homegrown femme fatales you might be interested in checking out…

First off, there’s Lorelei, StarWarp Concepts’ resident soul-stealing succubus. Making her small-press comics debut in 1989, Lori is SWC’s first leading lady of horror, and stars in two critically acclaimed titles:

Lorelei: Sects and the CityLorelei: Sects and the City is a Mature Readers graphic novel in which Lori battles a cult of Elder God worshipers attempting to unleash hell on Earth. Basically a love letter to 1970s horror comics like Vampirella, Tomb of Dracula, and Ghost Rider, it’s written by yours truly, Steven A. Roman (Stan Lee’s Alexa, X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy), and illustrated by Eliseu Gouveia (Vengeance of the Mummy, Lady Death), Steve Geiger (Web of Spider-Man, Incredible Hulk), and Neil Vokes (Flesh and Blood, Fright Night). It also features a cover by legendary artist Esteban Maroto (Vampirella, Zatanna, Lady Rawhide), a frontispiece by original Vampirella artist Tom Sutton (Ghost Rider, Man-Thing, Werewolf by Night), and a one-page history of succubi illustrated by Ernie Colon (Vampirella, The Grim Ghost).

“I can honestly say that I enjoyed the hell out of this book…. The art is solid, the story is full of lots of things that make the horror genre so great, and the overall quality of the book is top notch.”Die-Screaming

“Kudos to Roman for capturing the essence of 1970s fare like Vampirella. Filled with ghouls, chicks, and some strong artwork, this is a title that might’ve piqued Hammer Studios’ interest back in the day.”Dread Central

Lorelei_House_MacabreLorelei Presents: House Macabre is Lori’s first outing as the hostess of a horror comic anthology, in this one-shot special. Behind that eye-catching cover by fan-favorite artist Louis Small Jr. (Vampirella, Supergirl, Batman 80-Page Giant) you’ll find a quartet of terror tales:

  • “The Old, Dark Manse” is written by me and illustrated by Uriel Caton (JSA Annual, The Ex-Mutants, Heartstopper: The Legend of La Bella Tenebrosa) and “Chainsaw” Chuck Majewski (Harvey Kurtzman’s New Two-Fisted Tales), and has Lori welcoming readers to this special.
  • “All in Color for a Crime” is another tale from me, with art by Lou Manna (T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, Young All-Stars). Two comic book collectors clash over a rare back issue—and only one of them will be adding it to their long boxes!
  • “The Basilisk,” from me and artist John Pierard (Graphic Classics: Horror Classics, My Teacher Fried My Brains), is a “Lori’s Feary Tale” that examines the history of a supernatural creature that’s a cross between a deadly snake and a…chicken?!
  • Wrapping up the special is “Requiem for Bravo 6,” by New York Times bestselling author and comic writer Dwight Jon Zimmerman (She-Hulk, Steve McQueen: Full-Throttle Cool) and artist Juan Carlos Abraldes Rendo. A special-ops team goes on a life-or-death mission…but will they be prepared for what awaits them at mission’s end?

“This is like a cross between Elvira and House of Mystery, where you’ve got a very sexy hostess who loves the Macabre and tells you stories that are supposed to chill and thrill you…. This whole book is such a pleasant surprise, [and] something that should be sought out by everyone.”Reading With a Flight Ring

“Any fans of the old-fashioned horror anthology comics (Eerie, Creepy, Tales From the Crypt, etc.) is gonna want to take a look at this one-shot from StarWarp Concepts…. If campy horror fun is your thing, this should be a hit for you.”The Pullbox

heartstopper_lg_cover_2013Then there’s Sebastienne Mazarin, an immortal, shape-shifting monster hunter who currently appears in my Saga of Pandora Zwieback novels, where she mentors a teenaged Goth chick on the finer points of handling the creatures of the night. You’ll find Annie in Blood Feud and Blood Reign, trying to prevent a worldwide takeover by monsters led by a fallen angel who used to be her lover.

But long before her present-day occupation, Annie was the star of a short-lived bad-girl comic book miniseries that was published in the 1990s: Heartstopper: The Legend of La Bella Tenebrosa. (“La Bella Tenebrosa” means “the beautiful dark one” in the Olde Tongue.) Here you’ll find her doing a bit of ogre-crushing while researching an article about gentlemen’s clubs in Times Square—research that includes actually performing as an exotic dancer (I did say it was a ’90s comic, didn’t I?). It’s that part-time gig that brings her into contact with Corum de Sade, a heavy metal singer with a deadly secret: he’s a soul-devouring incubus!

“Sebastienne is a great character who will have you on your toes. She will entice you into her world.”—Jazma Online

“Wow! Breathtaking art and characterization! Heartstopper meets her match in the form of a handsome incubus and his demon driver. Terrific storytelling, powerful dialogue, great body language, camera angles, pacing. A well-conceived and executed comic book. Recommended.”—Small Press Creative Explosion

All three issues of Heartstopper are available for free from this very website, so download them today.

Lorelei: Sects and the City and Lorelei Presents: House Macabre are available in print and digital formats; Heartstopper is a digital exclusive. Visit their respective product pages for ordering information, as well as sample pages.

Posted in Comic Books, Graphic Novels | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

You Say You’re Into Sword Fights?


Tonight is the second season debut of Into the Badlands, AMC’s popular fantasy series about a futuristic feudal society populated with sword-swinging martial-arts adventurers. Well, if sword fights and adventuring is your thing, then perhaps you might be interested in one of our recent releases…

gold-pieces-cvrOn sale right now is For a Few Gold Pieces More, a collection of ten critically acclaimed short stories by Richard C. White, author of Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers: Echoes of Coventry, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy: Paths of Evil, and the SWC titles Terra Incognito: A Guide to Building the Worlds of Your Imagination, Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings, and The Chronicles of the Sea Dragon Special. Think Lord of the Rings meets the “spaghetti Westerns” of director Sergio Leone (A Fistful of Dollars; The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly), as a Rogue With No Name travels a world of epic-fantasy adventure, looking for treasure—and revenge against the woman who sent him to prison for a crime he didn’t commit (but she did). Here’s the back cover copy:

For the right price, he’ll get you out of trouble. Cross him, and you’ll never pay enough…

It’s amazing what you learn living on the run.

Fleeing for my life, convicted on trumped-up charges, and denied the use of my own name, I’ve stayed one step ahead of the Imperial Guard by focusing on one thing—taking care of myself first. So, I don’t know where you heard the ridiculous rumor about me helping people here and there around the Empire. And if, and that’s a big if, it was me, there was something in it for me. Trust me on that.

In the various towns and villages I’ve visited over the years, I’ve seen depravity, cruelty, torture, greed, lust—and that’s just the humans. Trust me; compared to them, the creatures that haunt the edges of the Empire are more honest and trustworthy. At least they’re not trying to slip a knife into your back…usually.

Only a few things have been constant while I’ve been on the run. My desire for revenge against the person who framed me all those years ago tops the list. Weird things happening in quiet villages, dark forests, or icy mountains never seem to change. And third? Well, that would be my luck.

 I can always count on it to be bad.

Weighing in at a hefty 420 pages, For a Few Gold Pieces More sports a cover painting and a frontispiece illustration by fantasy artist Shane Braithwaite.

For a Few Gold Pieces More is available right now in print and digital formats. Visit its product page for ordering information.

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‘Warped Week: March 19, 2017

white_fell_large_book_cover2017Welcome back to ’Warped Week, a weekly recap of what we’ve been up to at ’Warp Central recently. If you missed anything, now’s the perfect time to catch up!

On Monday we gave a refresher on the titles in our Illustrated Classics and new SWC Horror Bites lines. This year we’ve added the 1932 novelization of the original King Kong to the former list, and launched the latter with the feminist horror tale White Fell—The Werewolf.

For Tuesday, we reminded librarians of our fine range of e-book titles available for their digital libraries, including Richard C. White’s most recent release, the short-story fantasy collection For a Few Gold Pieces More. One of The ’Warp’s digital distributors, Smashwords, makes our titles available to libraries through Baker & Taylor Axis360 and OverDrive, as well as around the world through Odilo, Gardners Books, and, most recently, Bibliotheca CloudLibrary.

Snow WhiteFriday saw the debut of Disney’s live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast, starring Emma Watson (Hermione of the Harry Potter films) and Dan Stevens (star of FX’s Legion), and for fans of fairy tales we heartily recommended our Illustrated Classic Snow White. The SWC edition of this fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm features incredible full-color illustrations first published in 1883.

Also on Friday, to mark the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day we directed readers toward the Pandora Zwieback blog and its quick overview of the Leprechaun horror movie franchise that starred Warwick Davis (Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, the Harry Potter films) as an evil Irish sprite who gleefully—and gruesomely—murders anyone foolish enough to steal his pot of gold.

kong-skull-island-posterLastly, in yesterday’s installment of Simian Saturdays, we examined Kong: Skull Island, Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures’ exciting reboot of the King Kong franchise, now set firmly in the shared “MonsterVerse” established in the studios’ Godzilla reboot from 2014. It also sets the stage for the already announced crossover movie for 2020, Godzilla vs. Kong, which will also be set up by 2019’s Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

And that’s the week. What’s coming next? You’ll have to keep checking this blog during the days ahead—or join us on Sunday for the next installment of ’Warped Week. See you then!

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Simian Saturdays: Kong: Skull Island

Simian-Saturdays-logoWelcome to a special installment of Simian Saturdays, a series of reviews that examine the movies (and other media) that focused on King Kong, the giant monkey who’s captured generations of monster fans’ hearts. It’s part of our promotion for the latest addition to our Illustrated Classics library: the e-book-exclusive edition of the 1932 novelization of King Kong, which is on sale right now.

Written by Delos W. Lovelace, based on the story by Edgar Wallace and Merian C. Cooper and the screenplay by James A. Creelman and Ruth Rose, it features scenes that didn’t appear in the final cut of the film—including the notorious “spider pit” sequence in which Kong’s human pursuers are attacked by horrific arachnids and insects. What makes our version special is that it contains six exclusive, original black-and-white illustrations by comics artist Paul Tuma, whose pulp-influenced style has appeared in the pages of The Twilight Avenger, The Green Hornet, and Dan Turner: Hollywood Detective.

King_Kong_LG_CoverNot familiar with the beauty-and-the-beast story of Kong and his “love interest,” Ann Darrow (who was played in the 1933 original by the queen of the scream queens, Fay Wray)? Well, here’s our edition’s back-cover copy to bring you up-to-date:

Ann Darrow was a down-on-her-luck actress struggling to survive in Depression-era New York when she met moviemaker Carl Denham. He offered her the starring role in his latest film: a documentary about a long-lost island—and the godlike ape named Kong rumored to live there. Denham needed a beauty as a counterpart to the beast he hoped to find, and Ann was the answer to his prayers.

Mystery, romance, a chance to turn her life around, even the possibility of stardom—to Ann, it sounded like the adventure of a lifetime! But what she didn’t count on were the horrific dangers that awaited her on Skull Island—including the affections of a love-struck monster . . .

kong-skull-island-posterWhat makes this SimSat entry special is that today we were supposed to be covering the 1968 comic book Giant Classic King Kong—but that was before I spent last Sunday at the movies, watching Hollywood’s latest take on the mighty monkey’s story: Kong: Skull Island! Here’s the spoiler-free review:

The year is 1973, and Monarch—a monster-studying secret organization introduced in the 2014 Godzilla reboot, which makes Skull Island a prequel—is facing the budgetary ax from U.S. lawmakers…unless agent Bill Randa (John Goodman) can provide solid evidence that giant monsters exist. He’s certain that proof exists on an island recently discovered by a U.S. satellite, and talks his way into getting his team included on the land-surveying expedition that’s heading there. Joining Randa are professional tracker/former British special-forces member James Conrad (Tom Hiddleston); photojournalist Mason Weaver (Brie Larson); seismologist Houston Brooks (Corey Hawkins), who’s also Randa’s assistant; and Lieutenant Preston Packard (Samuel L. Jackson), who’s in charge of the military unit assigned to protect the expedition.

Skull Island is just as deadly a place as it was in the original Kong and the 2005 remake, only there are no dinosaurs roaming its jungles, replaced by mammoth nightmare lizards called skullcrawlers—at least that’s the name given to them by Hank Marlow (John C. Reilly), a WWII fighter pilot who’s been stranded on the island for thirty years. He admits the name sounds stupid when said out loud, but hey, it’s John C. Reilly—he makes stupid sound awesome. But the deadliest threat, naturally, comes from Kong.

John Goodman, Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, and John C. Reilly

John Goodman, Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, and John C. Reilly

Unlike the Godzilla reboot, which suffered from a severe lack of Big G presence until the final battle, director Jordan Vogt-Roberts (The Kings of Summer) doesn’t take too long in getting us to the giant-monkey action; if you saw the trailers, you’re familiar with how violently Kong greets the team when it reaches the island: by smashing their helicopters out of the sky. From that point on, it becomes a race against time with the survivors needing to reach a pickup site so they can be rescued—if they can make it past Kong and the skullcrawlers and the other dangers of Skull Island.

The cast is top notch, with Goodman and Reilly being the standouts, but it’s Kong you’re really there for, and at a hundred feet tall (and apparently still growing) he’s the badass super gorilla you’d hope to find in a giant-monster movie. Then there are the Easter eggs sprinkled throughout the film, including a big one that ties directly to the Delos Lovelace novelization of the original Kong—the very book that’s currently available from us in digital form! And yes, there’s a post–end credits scene that sets up the next MonsterVerse film, Godzilla: King of the Monsters (coming in 2019), so be sure to stay in your seat after Skull Island’s final scene.

Bottom line? I enjoyed the hell out of this movie and plan to see it again—a rarity for me, given today’s ticket prices. If you haven’t seen Kong: Skull Island yet, and you’re a fan of kaiju (giant monster) movies or a lifelong Kong lover, then do yourself a favor and definitely check it out.

Kong: Skull Island (2017)
Starring Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, John Goodman, and John C. Reilly
Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Screenplay by Dan Gilroy, Max Borenstein, and Derek Connelly
Story by John Gatins
Produced by Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures

Coming Next Saturday: Join us as we take a look at that Giant Classic King Kong—the supersized comic by artist Alberto Giolitti that was published by Whitman Comics in 1968—I promised to show you. If you like your comic art old school and your giant monkeys colored blue (whaaat?), then don’t miss the next installment of Simian Saturdays!

King Kong (the SWC edition) is available right now for download, so visit its product page for ordering information.

Posted in Illustrated Classics, movies | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Erin Go Aaagghh!

leprechaun-posterHappy St. Patrick’s Day! In recognition of this holiday that honors Irish Americans, over at the Pandora Zwieback blog I provide a quick overview of a special forgotten fright: the horror movie series Leprechaun, which starred Warwick Davis of Star Wars fame (he was the main Ewok in Return of the Jedi) and whose first installment featured the big-screen debut of Jennifer Aniston (Friends).

Speaking of short fantasy characters, perhaps you might be interested in meeting a group of them—although these guys are dwarves, not leprechauns, and they’re not looking to murder the young woman who’s come into their lives…

Snow White is the classic fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, and one of the titles in our Illustrated Classics line. Featuring full-color illustrations first published in 1883 (and they really are beautiful drawings), this digital-exclusive title is available for immediate download for the wickedly low price of just 99¢! Visit the Snow White product page for more information, including sample pages.

Snow WhiteAlong with Snow White, our Illustrated Classics line includes Edgar Rice Burroughs’s space-fantasy epic A Princess of Mars, J. Sheridan Le Fanu’s vampiric romance Carmilla, and our latest release (just out last week!): the 1932 novelization of the original King Kong, by Edgar Wallace, Merian C. Cooper, and Delos W. Lovelace.

They’re all great reads, with some spectacular illustrations, so visit each of the books’ product pages for more information.

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A Tale as Old as Time…


Hey, fantasy fans! As you probably know, today’s the release date for Beauty and the Beast, Disney’s live-action remake of their 1991 animated feature. Starring Emma Watson (Hermione of the Harry Potter movies) as Belle, Dan Stevens (FX’s Legion) as the Beast, Luke Evans (Dracula Untold) as the bombastic Gaston, and Ewan McGregor (Star Wars, Episodes I–III) as the dancing candlestick Lumiere, it tells the tale of a literally beastly prince who falls in love with a bookish girl with dreams beyond the provincial French village in which they live.

If you have plans to see it this weekend, perhaps you might be interested in another fairy tale with a memorable heroine…

Snow WhiteSnow White is the classic story by the Brothers Grimm, and one of the titles in our Illustrated Classics line. Featuring full-color illustrations first published in 1883 (and they really are beautiful drawings), this digital-exclusive title is available for immediate download for the wickedly low price of just 99¢! Visit the Snow White product page for more information, including sample pages.

Along with Snow White, our Illustrated Classics line includes Edgar Rice Burroughs’s space-fantasy epic A Princess of Mars, J. Sheridan Le Fanu’s vampiric romance Carmilla, and our latest release (just out last week!): the 1932 novelization of the original King Kong, by Edgar Wallace, Merian C. Cooper, and Delos W. Lovelace. (And FYI, King Kong is regarded as one of the strangest “beauty and the beast” stories ever!)

They’re all great reads, with some spectacular illustrations, so visit each of the books’ product pages for more information.

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Are You a Librarian Looking for Quality E-books?

pieces_gold_large_book_cover2017In recent years, we’ve talked to librarians who’ve expressed interest in adding our titles to their e-book collections. But how, they’ve asked, would they be able to obtain them? As librarians, they’re required to order books from distributors, not from publishers; that applies to e-books as well.

 Well, it just so happens that one of The ’Warp’s digital distributors, Smashwords, makes our titles available to libraries through Baker & Taylor Axis360 and OverDrive, as well as around the world through Odilo, Gardners Books (Askews & Holts for public libraries), and, most recently, Bibliotheca CloudLibrary. To quote from Smashword’s arrangement with the programs:

“Library patrons are able to check out only one copy at a time. The books are wrapped in DRM so they time out after a specific period of time. The library can purchase multiple copies if they decide demand warrants multiple simultaneous checkouts. Otherwise, the library purchases a single copy and allows only one copy at a time to be lent out. If a library patron wishes to obtain a book that’s already checked out, the patron is sometimes given the option to purchase a copy through a retailer.”

In the case of OverDrive, If a library patron wishes to obtain a book that’s already checked out, the patron is sometimes given the option to purchase a copy direct through OverDrive (for libraries that utilize OverDrive’s ‘Buy it Now’ feature).”

Via Smashwords, the following titles can be ordered:

terra_ingoc_lg_coverTerra Incognito: A Guide to Building the Worlds of Your Imagination is our popular how-to book for writers and gamers in which bestselling fantasy author Richard C. White (Gauntlet: Dark Legacy: Paths of Evil, The Chronicles of the Sea Dragon Special, Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings) takes you through the step-by-step process of constructing a world for your characters, from societies and governments to currency and religion. Included is an interview with New York Times bestselling author Tracy Hickman (Dragonlance) that discusses his methods of world building, as well as his creative experiences during his time as a designer for gaming company TSR, the original home of Dungeons & Dragons.

For a Few Gold Pieces More is Richard C. White’s latest release, a short-story collection of ten critically acclaimed short stories. Think Lord of the Rings meets the “spaghetti Westerns” of director Sergio Leone (A Fistful of Dollars; The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly), as a Rogue With No Name travels a world of epic-fantasy adventure, looking for treasure—and revenge against the woman who sent him to prison for a crime he didn’t commit (but she did).

Blood FeudBlood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1: This critically acclaimed novel is the beginning of Pan’s story, explaining how she, her parents and friends, and Annie are drawn into a conflict among warring vampire clans searching for the key to an ultimate weapon (or so the legend goes)—a key that just so happens to have been delivered to the horror-themed museum owned by Pan’s father. It’s a character-driven action-fest that leads immediately into the second novel:

Blood Reign: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 2: Pan and Annie face even greater challenges as the vampire clans draw up plans to go to war with humanity. Leading the charge is a fallen angel named Zaqiel, whose previous attempt at subjugating the world was stopped by Annie—who, back in the day, was Zaqiel’s lover!

So if you’re a librarian interested in adding those titles to your digital bookshelves, head over to your e-book distributor for libraries and place your order today!

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SWC’s Classics Collection

King_Kong_LG_CoverLast Tuesday saw the release of King Kong, an e-book-exclusive release that’s the latest entry in our growing collection of Illustrated Classics titles. Written by Delos W. Lovelace, based on the story by Edgar Wallace and Merian C. Cooper and the screenplay by James A. Creelman and Ruth Rose, it’s the novelization of the original 1933 film that introduced monster-movie fans to a version of “Beauty and the Beast” like no other. The SWC edition features scenes that didn’t appear in the final cut of the film—including the notorious “spider pit” sequence in which Kong’s human pursuers are attacked by horrific arachnids and insects—and six original black-and-white illustrations by comics artist Paul Tuma, whose pulp-influenced style has appeared in the pages of The Twilight Avenger, Flare, and Dan Turner: Hollywood Detective.

King Kong, however, isn’t the only title that we have for lovers of classic genre literature—just check out the following:

A Princess Of Mars V9A Princess of Mars, perfect for fans of classic science fiction, is the first in Edgar Rice Burroughs’s “John Carter of Mars” novel series about a post–Civil War era American who suddenly finds himself on the Red Planet, battling to stay alive against all sorts of alien threats. It served as the basis for Disney’s 2012 film adaptation, John Carter, and inspired a century’s worth of SF works, including Flash Gordon, Star Wars, and James Cameron’s Avatar. The special StarWarp Concepts edition—available in both print and digital formats—features six incredible illustrations by SWC artist supreme Eliseu Gouveia (Carmilla, Lorelei: Sects and the City), and a special introduction by Mars-fiction expert John Gosling, author of Waging the War of the Worlds.

carmilla_bookfestCarmilla—for which we recently celebrated its 145th anniversary—is J. Sheridan Le Fanu’s 19th-century classic vampiric tale of love gone wrong. Living alone with her father and governess, Laura is so desperate for a friend that when a young woman named Carmilla practically turns up on their doorstep, she thinks her prayers for companionship have been answered. But as she comes to realize, Carmilla isn’t as interested in making friends as she is in spilling blood. Regarded as the one of the earliest female vampire tales—if not the first—Carmilla was an influence on author Bram Stoker in the creation of the vampire brides in his seminal novel, Dracula, and remains a popular character in fiction to this day. Just like with A Princess of Mars, our edition contains six original illustrations done especially for StarWarp Concepts by the super-talented Eliseu Gouveia.

snow_white_bookfestSnow White is the classic story by the Brothers Grimm, and was the first of our e-book-exclusive titles. You know the tale: A wicked queen, jealous of her stepdaughter’s beauty, plots to kill the girl so that the queen can become “the fairest of them all.” But standing in her way are seven dwarves who’ve taken quite a liking to the young lady—and they’re not about to let the queen win this particular beauty title. Featuring lush full-color illustrations first published in 1883, it’s always on sale for the wickedly low price of just 99¢!

But it’s not just Illustrated Classics we have to offer. In February we launched SWC Horror Bites: a chapbook series available in print and e-book formats exclusively from the SWC webstore, and at the conventions we attend. “Short tales to appease your monstrous hunger for suspense” is how we describe this series of new and classic horror stories, and we kicked it off with the following title:

whitefell-werewolf-cvrWhite Fell—The Werewolf, by author, artist, and suffragette Clemence Annie Housman, was originally published in 1896 as The Were-wolf and is regarded by scholars as perhaps the first feminist werewolf story. In it, a beautiful woman named White Fell wanders into a snowbound village—and into the hearts of twin brothers, one of whom immediately becomes smitten by her. The other brother, however, soon grows suspicious of the enigmatic White Fell. Where did she come from? Why does she always carry an ax? And is her sudden appearance somehow related to the recent sightings of a bloodthirsty wolf in the area? He may come to regret being so inquisitive…

A Princess of Mars, Carmilla, and White Fell—The Werewolf are available in both print and digital formats; Snow White and King Kong are digital exclusives. Visit their respective product pages for ordering information.

But the SWC classics library doesn’t end there—we have other titles in the pipeline, waiting to debut:

Tales-Sorta-Tremble-CvrIn October, Tales to Sorta Tremble By will rise from the crypt on Friday the 13th, just in time for Halloween. This anthology—the second release in the SWC Horror Bites series—collects 13 mini-stories that first appeared in 1950s horror comics, when publishers were required to run text pieces in order to meet US postal regulations for shipping magazines. In its pages you’ll find zombies, vampires, haunted houses, disembodied brains, urban legends come to life, and other supernatural terrors! It’s just the thing to help you enjoy the spooky season even more.

And in December, Gabriel Grub and the Goblins will haunt the yuletide season. This SWC Horror Bite by Charles Dickens (A Christmas Carol, A Tale of Two Cities) involves a gravedigger running afoul of supernatural creatures that take a dim view of anyone who refuses to get into the Christmas spirit. If you thought Ebenezer Scrooge had it bad with ghosts nagging him to spread some holiday cheer, wait until you meet Gabriel—he’d probably trade goblins for ghosts any day!

Stay turned for further details on these upcoming releases!

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