Happy National Superhero Day 2020!

SuperHero-DayThe world might seem at times to have become a darker, more dangerous place these days, but there’s always room for heroes to lead the way—especially when today is National Superhero Day!

According to a number of websites, National Superhero Day “was created in 1995 by employees of Marvel Comics, who sent a team of interns out in central Pennsylvania to hear what the public thought about superheroes and what super powers they’d most want to have. Today, the day is about honoring all the superheroes in our lives, both the fictional and the real-life heroes who give their all every day.”

It sounds like an apocryphal story (Why would Marvel send out interns to do a poll? Why only central PA and not the entire United States?), but in a country that celebrates National Chocolate Custard Day (that’s May 3, in case you were wondering—mark it on your calendar!) it shouldn’t be all that surprising that even a probably made-up story can get its own holiday.

troubleshooters_lrg_coverStill, it’s superheroes we’re talking about, and if you’re looking for some around these parts, we have a couple of titles you might be interested in:

Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings is a general readers’ graphic novel about a group of supernatural-superheroes-for-hire taking on their first case. The team consists of a wizard, a female ninja, a sorceress, a werewolf, and a rock ’n’ roll lighting designer wearing high-tech armor. Sure, they might not be on a power level with the Avengers or Justice League, but they get the job done. (However, they have been compared to the JL’s supernatural offshoot, Justice League Dark and Hellboy’s Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, although TSI predates both organizations.) The graphic novel is written by Richard C. White (Chasing Danger: The Case Files of Theron ChaseHarbinger of Darkness, For a Few Gold Pieces More) and his wife, Joni M. White, and illustrated by Reggie Golden and Randy Zimmerman, and features cover art by Richard Dominguez (El Gato Negro).

heroines_large_coverHeroines & Heroes is a collection of comic stories and pinups all drawn by me, dating back to my days in the early 1990s small-press movement—that age of dinosaurs in which creators like me used to make our comics by printing them out on photocopiers and then stapling them by hand. In H&H you’ll find mainstream heroes and small-press heroines, and even a couple of anthropomorphic bikers. Leading off is “V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N (in the Summertime),” a three-page Wonder Woman vs. Harley Quinn story that I wrote and drew in the late ’90s as a sample for a DC Comics editor who thought I’d be a good fit for their Batman: The Animated Series comic (it didn’t work out). It’s followed by an adventure of small-presser Jeff Wood’s rabbit-eared superspy, Snowbuni; three pages from the long-canceled indie comic Motorbike Puppies; and an adventure of the indie superheroine The Blonde Avenger.

Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings is available in print and digital formats; Heroines and Heroes is a free digital exclusive. Visit their respective product pages for ordering information, as well as sample pages.

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StarWarp Spotlight On: From the Stars…a Vampiress

vampiress_LG_CoverLast week, we introduced StarWarp Spotlight, a series of posts that will run each Monday as we shine a spotlight on one of our titles, as a reminder of the awesome books and comics we publish and to introduce new SWC fans to our backlist.

This week, we look at our most recent title, which focuses on a comic book character who celebrated her 50th anniversary last year…

From the Stars…a Vampiress: An Unauthorized Guide to Vampirella’s Classic Horror Adventures, by Steven A. Roman (that’s me!) is a nonfiction history of Vampirella, the half-naked vampire from outer space—created by comics publisher James Warren and writer/editor Forrest J Ackerman—who fights monsters while wearing nothing but a one-piece swimsuit and a pair of go-go boots. It’s an extensive look at her early days, from the debut of her series in 1969 to the death of Warren Publishing in 1983.

In From the Stars…a Vampiress: An Unauthorized Guide to Vampirella’s Classic Horror Adventures you’ll find a wealth of information in its chapters:

The Vampire Who Fell to Earth: It’s the story of the life of Vampirella at Warren Publishing: her 1969 development by cocreators James Warren and Forrest J Ackerman, with the assistance of artists Frank Frazetta and Trina Robbins; the adventures she went on via the writing and artistic talents of such visionaries as Archie Goodwin, Bill DuBay, Jose Gonzalez, Enrich, Gonzalo Mayo, and many others; and the cancellation of her series in 1982 when the company collapsed. It also features probably the most you’ll ever see reported about four Vampi writers who were just as talented but not as well known: Mike Butterworth, who wrote under the pseudonym Flaxman Loew; T. Casey Brennan; Rich Margopoulos; and Gerry Boudreau.

The Vampirella Episode Guide: The largest section of the book, it examines every story starring Vampirella during the Warren Era: over 100 entries, some with little known behind-the-scenes details. Plus stories behind some of Vampi’s unpublished adventures!

Vampi Goes to Hollywood: In 1975, Hammer Films announced the development of a Vampirellamovie starring model/actress Barbara Leigh and the legendary Peter Cushing (later known the world over as Grand Moff Tarkin of Star Wars). The project crashed in spectacular fashion, but the details have always been murky. I try to clear up the confusion surrounding it, detailing the production from its launch to its unfortunate ending. And then I take a critical look at the awful Vampirella movie that was made in 1996, starring Talisa Soto and rock god Roger Daltrey of the Who—and probably shouldn’t have been!

The Literary Vampiress: From 1975 to 1976, Warner Books published a series of Vampirella novelizations by sci-fi author Ron Goulart. I take a look at each novel, and explain why they’re worth tracking down…if you can find copies!

The Vampirella Warren Era Checklist: A list of every Warren Vampi story! Every reprint volume from Harris Comics and Dynamite Entertainment! Plus little known trivia!

From the Stars also features: A foreword by Sean Fernald, the Official Vampirella Historian! A peek at Peter Cushing’s personal copy of the 1976 Vampirella screenplay! A frontispiece by legendary artist Bob Larkin, who painted covers for Warren’s VampirellaThe Rook, Eerie, and Famous Monsters of Filmland! Photos of Barbara Leigh in costume as Vampirella at the 1975 Famous Monsters Convention, held in New York! If there’s only one Vampirella history book you pick up, then be sure to add it to your collection!

“It’s obvious that the author, Steven A. Roman, is a fan as the book is lovingly written…. If you have ever felt the need to geek out on Vampirella you have everything you need right here.”Ravenous Monster

From the Stars…a Vampiress: An Unauthorized Guide to Vampirella’s Classic Horror Adventures is available right now in print and as a PDF e-book, so visit its product page for ordering information. The print edition can be purchased from us as well as through your usual reailer outlets like Amazon, Amazon UK, and Barnes & Noble; the e-book is available through the SWC webstore and DriveThru Fiction.

This book is unofficial and unauthorized. It is not authorized, approved, licensed, or endorsed by Dynamite Entertainment or any of its licensees. Vampirella is a trademark of Dynamite Entertainment.

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Cable TV: Not the Only Place for Dark Fantasy Noir

Chasing-Danger_large_book_coverThis coming Sunday, April 26, sees the debut of Penny Dreadful: City of Angels, Showtime’s follow-up to its popular Penny Dreadful series that ran from 2014 to 2016. Unlike the original PD, which was set in Victorian England, City of Angels expands that supernatural world by moving the action to 1930s Los Angeles, California, where a bizarre murder sets in motion events that tie in to both racial unrest in America and the specter of World War II looming in the distance. Forefront in the growing chaos is the shape-shifting demon Magda, played by Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games). Sounds exciting!

Well, if dark urban fantasy with a noir twist is your sort of thing, then may I point out that StarWarp Concepts has the perfect title for your reading interest:

Chasing Danger: The Case Files of Theron Chase is a collection of four noirish adventures by Richard C. White, author of Gauntlet: Dark Legacy: Paths of Evil, and a growing number of SWC titles: the novel Harbinger of Darkness; the story collection For a Few Gold Pieces More; the writer’s aid Terra Incognito: A Guide to Building the Worlds of Your Imagination; the supernatural-superhero graphic novel Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings; and the pirate-adventure digital comic The Chronicles of the Sea Dragon Special.  Here’s the back cover copy:

Calasia: it’s a big town with big problems. Murder, thievery, extortion, corruption, magic, and monsters—just ask any native here: this ain’t a burg for the faint of heart. You don’t live in Calasia, you surviveit.

 Theron Chase walks these mean streets with a sap in one hand and a .45 in the other. Story is he used to be a hell of a cop in these parts—until his partner got dead in a hurry years ago. Now he makes a living as a private eye, offering his services to one and all while trying to stay on the good side of his secretary, a dishy-looking fae name of Kyra Sylvari. Ogres, werewolves, crime bosses, mages—as long as your money’s good and no one’s looking to turn him into a dead man (walking or otherwise), odds are he’ll be able to solve your problem.

 Just don’t ask him to handle any magic-related items—he’s about as adept with the arcane arts as a troll in a knitting circle.

In this collection you’ll find four of Chase’s bizarre cases. From a sexy chanteuse who literally turns into a beast when the moon is full to a string of pearls that kills its owners, and from the ghost of a dead woman seeking justice to the Grim Reaper’s little girl seeking her stolen chicken, Theron Chase certainly has his hands full—of danger, death, and dames!

And what do critics think of it?

“Fantasy Noir? You gotta be kidding me. [But] White isn’t kidding, and Chasing Danger is no joke. From the very first line, you feel the scene turn black-and-white. It doesn’t last long, for White doesn’t waste time showing that Calasia isn’t your typical gumshoe story town. There’s magic in those alleyways.”Ordinary Average Guy

Chasing Danger: The Case Files of Theron Chase is available right now in print and digital formats, so visit its product page for ordering information.

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Silence of the Graffiti

Here’s a little creepy treat for horror fans. Even though we’re all hunkered down these days, staying in place and self-isolating from the constant threat of the coronavirus, there are still chances for yours truly to exit the offices of ’Warp Central and wander the deserted streets of SWC’s home borough of Queens, New York.

On one such journey this past weekend, in the industrialized section of a neighborhood called Maspeth, I came across a piece of graffiti art that should get a chuckle from anyone familiar with 1991’s Silence of the Lambs, starring Jodie Foster as FBI agent Clarice Starling, Anthony Hopkins as notorious serial killer Hannibal Lecter, and Ted Levine as the film’s main serial killer, Buffalo Bill—a character made famous if only for a line he says to his kidnapped victims in order to make sure they moisturize:

“It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again. It puts the lotion in the basket…”


A line now stylishly immortalized in spray paint. Well, “immortalized” until the next street artist or tagger comes along to paint over it, that is…

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StarWarp Spotlight On: Terra Incognito

terra_ingoc_lg_coverThe world might be on virtual lockdown these days, but even with a global pandemic we’ve still got a company to run around here—after all, what better way for folks to pass the time than by reading? So starting today, each Monday we’ll shine a spotlight on one of our titles, as a reminder of the awesome books and comics we publish (he said modestly) and to introduce new SWC fans to our backlist.

This week, we kick things off with a look at our most popular title…

Terra Incognito: A Guide to Building the Worlds of Your Imagination is a how-to book for writers and gamers in which bestselling fantasy author Richard C. White (For a Few Gold Pieces More, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy: Paths of Evil, Chasing Danger: The Case Files of Theron Chase, The Chronicles of the Sea Dragon Special, Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings) takes you through the step-by-step process of constructing a world for your characters, from societies and governments to currency and religion. Included is an interview with New York Times bestselling author Tracy Hickman (Dragonlance) that discusses his methods of world building, as well as his creative experiences during his time as a designer for gaming company TSR, the original home of Dungeons & Dragons.

What you’ll find in its pages is information that’s vital for just about any writer, especially when it comes to world building, and Rich shows you how to do it:

  • Avoiding the pitfalls of naming characters, regions, and countries
  • Applying the technique of “outside in” to develop and then refine ideas for your world
  • Creating a world your readers can relate to, regardless of its technological levels
  • Identify how to create backstories and conflict by observing how your world comes together
  • Adding details to make your story richer without overwhelming your readers
  • Identifying useful resources for research

From its first publication, the book has been a hit with not just fantasy writers, but role-playing gamers as well. When it debuted in October 2015 at the e-book distributor DriveThru Fiction and its sister sites DriveThru RPG and RPGNow, it immediately shot to the #1 position on all three as their top-selling title, and then remained for weeks as DriveThru Fiction’s #1 Hottest Nonfiction Book and #1 Hottest How-To for Writers! If you’re a writer or gamer, you might just want to check it out. In fact, it’s currently being used as a textbook in the Interactive Media Design (i.e., game design) program at Becker College in Worchester, Massachusetts!

“I think Terra Incognito is a solid introduction to the subject of world building. The book succeeds in helping the aspiring writer in creating a skeletal framework for which to hang the moving parts required of a believable fictional setting.”The Gaming Gang

Terra Incognito: A Guide to Building the Worlds of Your Imagination is available in print and digital formats, so visit its product page for ordering information.

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Vampirella Week Rescheduled

vampiress_LG_Cover“So, what happened to Vampirella Week?” you’re probably asking. The celebration of our latest nonfiction book, the comic-history From the Stars…a Vampiress: An Unauthorized Guide to Vampirella’s Classic Horror Adventures, by Steven A. Roman (that’s me!), was meant to run last week and spotlight some behind-the-scenes research material that didn’t appear in the book.

Well, considering the state the publishing industry is in right now during the Age of Corona, with comic shops and bookstores closed and book sales in major fluctuation, I thought it might be best to postpone Vampirella Week for the time being and celebrate it at a later date this year—say, around Halloween, which really is a perfect time for a supernatural character like Vampi. So that’s what we’ll do. More details to follow as we get closer to the Spooky Season.

In the meantime, the best way you can prepare for the awesomeness of Vampirella Week would be to order From the Stars…a Vampiress for your reading pleasure—and then join us in October for the fun!

From the Stars…a Vampiress: An Unauthorized Guide to Vampirella’s Classic Horror Adventures is available in print and as a PDF e-book, so visit its product page for ordering information. The print edition can be purchased from us as well as through your usual reailer outlets like Amazon, Amazon UK, and Barnes & Noble; the e-book is available through the SWC webstore and DriveThru Fiction.

This book is unofficial and unauthorized. It is not authorized, approved, licensed, or endorsed by Dynamite Entertainment or any of its licensees. Vampirella is a trademark of Dynamite Entertainment.

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Sidereal: The Last Earthman Certified Groovy!

Sideral1Hey, superhero fans! A few days ago I told you about the debut of a new series from indie publisher Oniric Comics: Sideral, The Last Earthman, for which I’m the scripter.

Created by plotter/artist/Oniric president Chris Malgrain (writer/artist of the Oniric superhero series The Formidables), Sideral is about a scientist who makes an astounding breakthrough guaranteed to change the world—just in time for the world to be destroyed when nuclear war breaks out. Caught in a unique combination of radiation and genetic transformation triggered by his experiments, as Earth’s lone survivor he becomes the cosmic entity called Sideral, and sets out to find some meaning to his existence among the stars.

Well, the first review is in, courtesy of Lloyd Smith and his Bronze Age (i.e., 1970s) comics fansite Diversions of the Groovy Kind:

“Sideral is another in the ‘New Groovy Age’ style (that’s what I’m gonna call it) that totally nails the look and feel of 1970s comics. The plot, the script, the art, the use of captions, word balloons, flashbacks, chapters…it’s all so Bronze Age that it just makes my heart smile!

“Plus, you can tell creators Chris and Steven love the Groovy/Bronze age because there are winks and nods to all kinds of cool 1970s stuff in Sideral–everything from Star-Lord and the Silver Surfer to Captain Mar-Vell and Warlock to Doomsday +1! You can bet your sweet bippie I’m gonna order a print copy as soon as print copies are available! You should, too!

Sideral: The Last Earthman #1 is available for $3.99 in print and FREE as a digital download from Oniric Comics through its product page at printer/distributor IndyPlanet. Due to the pandemic, IndyPlanet won’t be shipping comics until the all clear is given, but you can download the digital version right now. If you’re into “cosmic” superheroes like Marvel’s Silver Surfer and Captain Marvel, then Sideral is definitely worth checking out!

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The Formidables 6 Now On Sale!

Formidables6Hey, comic fans! The sixth issue of The Formidables—the superhero series that I’ve been involved with as editor—is now on sale at online comics distributor IndyPlanet.

Created by writer/artist Chris Malgrain (my artistic collaborator on the 2005 Stan Lee comic project Stan Lee’s Alexa and the newly launched series Sideral: The Last Earthman) through his Oniric Comics company, the Formidables are a quintet of superheroes battling evil and bigotry in 1950s America, with their first challenge having come in the form of a Communist super-villain…who’s disguised as a white supremacist! It’s a unique take on the genre, with Chris examining topics like race relations and sexual identity in a Cold War setting, with an appropriate amount of punching and explosions mixed in, of course—we are talking superhero comics, after all!

Issue 5 began a new story arc with “The Truth Shall Set You Free,” in which the Formidables and the many other superheroes of the Oniric Universe encounter The Maker, a giant traveler from outer space who’s come to warn the Earth that evil forces have gathered to destroy the planet. In issue 6, they learn whether he’s here to help…or to complicate matters!

The Formidables #6 is available for $3.99 in print and FREE as a digital download, so head over to its product page at IndyPlanet to order a copy. Due to the pandemic, IndyPlanet won’t be shipping comics until the all clear is given, but you can download the digital version right now. And while you’re at it, be sure to purchase The Formidables#1–5 (also available at IndyPlanet), so you can catch-up on all the fun!

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Sideral: The Last Earthman 1 Now On Sale!

Sideral1Hey, superhero fans! The comics industry might be in a bit of turmoil right now, but available today is the premiere issue of a new series from indie publisher Oniric Comics: Sideral, The Last Earthman—and I’m involved with it!

Created by plotter/artist/Oniric president Chris Malgrain (my artistic collaborator on the 2005 Stan Lee comic project Stan Lee’s Alexa), Sideral is about a scientist who makes an astounding breakthrough guaranteed to change the world—just in time for the world to be destroyed when nuclear war breaks out. Caught in a unique combination of radiation and genetic transformation triggered by his experiments, as Earth’s lone survivor he becomes the cosmic entity called Sideral, and sets out to find some meaning to his existence among the stars.

As for why I’m mentioning it here at the SWC blog, it’s because I’m the series’ scripter, working from Chris’s notes and final art. With Chris on art and plot, and me writing the dialogue and captions, you couldn’t find a more Marvel-style collaboration outside the halls of the House of Ideas itself!

Sideral: The Last Earthman #1 is available for $3.99 in print or FREE as a digital download from Oniric Comics through its product page at printer/distributor IndyPlanet. Due to the pandemic, IndyPlanet won’t be shipping comics until the all clear is given, but you can download the digital version right now. If you’re into “cosmic” superheroes like Marvel’s Silver Surfer and Captain Marvel, then Sideral is definitely worth checking out!

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Get Ready for Vampirella Week!

vampiress_LG_CoverThis week, Vampirella’s current publisher, Dynamite Entertainment, announced they were halting the release of all upcoming comics—print and digital—while comic shops remain closed during the coronavirus crisis, with publisher Nick Barrucci commenting, “Every sale of a new periodical or collection taken out of the retailer’s hands is one more blow to them, and we want all retailers to survive this pandemic to continue to be there for all fans.”

A wise move, and we look forward to strolling the aisles of our local comic shop when the all clear is finally given by health-care professionals. In the meantime, though, what that news means for Vampi fans is that there will be no new releases until the shutdown ends—no Vampirella, no Venegeance of Vampirella, no Vampirella and Red Sonja Meet Betty and Veronica. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t new Vampirella material that you can read and enjoy right now!

As SWC fans know, on February 18 we published the nonfiction comic-book history From the Stars…a Vampiress: An Unauthorized Guide to Vampirella’s Classic Horror Adventures, by Steven A. Roman (that’s me!). It’s already garnered its first, positive review from the site Ravenous Monster, so what better time could there be than to celebrate the ultimate comic-book bad girl?

Created by comics publisher James Warren and writer/editor Forrest J Ackerman, Vampirella—the half-naked vampire from outer space who fights monsters while wearing nothing but a one-piece swimsuit and a pair of go-go boots—celebrated her 50th anniversary last year with the launch of a new series by Dynamite Entertainment. From the Stars…a Vampiress: An Unauthorized Guide to Vampirella’s Classic Horror Adventures is an extensive look at Vampi’s early days, from the debut of her series in 1969 to the death of Warren Publishing in 1983.

But not every bit of research I pored over made it into the book—specifically, Vampi-related images. Sure, you’ll find a brand-new frontispiece by Warren artist Bob Larkin, and rare photos from the creepy, eerie archives of Vampi’s cocreator, Forrest J Ackerman, but what with the book being an unauthorized guide, it limited the amount of art and photos you might find in an authorized Vampi “biography” (although, surprisingly, none exists!). So next week, in a shameless promotional move, I’ll be using the SWC blog to show you some of that missing imagery—with luck, it’ll convince you to pick up a copy of the book!

In From the Stars…a Vampiress: An Unauthorized Guide to Vampirella’s Classic Horror Adventures you’ll find a wealth of information in its chapters:

The Vampire Who Fell to Earth: It’s the story of the life of Vampirella at Warren Publishing: her 1969 development by cocreators James Warren and Forrest J Ackerman, with the assistance of artists Frank Frazetta and Trina Robbins; the adventures she went on via the writing and artistic talents of such visionaries as Archie Goodwin, Bill DuBay, Jose Gonzalez, Enrich, Gonzalo Mayo, and many others; and the cancellation of her series in 1982 when the company collapsed. It also features probably the most you’ll ever see reported about four Vampi writers who were just as talented but not as well known: Mike Butterworth, who wrote under the pseudonym Flaxman Loew; T. Casey Brennan; Rich Margopoulos; and Gerry Boudreau.

The Vampirella Episode Guide: The largest section of the book, it examines every story starring Vampirella during the Warren Era: over 100 entries, some with little known behind-the-scenes details. Plus stories behind some of Vampi’s unpublished adventures!

Vampi Goes to Hollywood: In 1975, Hammer Films announced the development of a Vampirella movie starring model/actress Barbara Leigh and the legendary Peter Cushing (later known the world over as Grand Moff Tarkin of Star Wars). The project crashed in spectacular fashion, but the details have always been murky. I try to clear up the confusion surrounding it, detailing the production from its launch to its unfortunate ending. And then I take a critical look at the awful Vampirella movie that was made in 1996, starring Talisa Soto and rock god Roger Daltrey of the Who—and probably shouldn’t have been!

The Literary Vampiress: From 1975 to 1976, Warner Books published a series of Vampirella novelizations by sci-fi author Ron Goulart. I take a look at each novel, and explain why they’re worth tracking down…if you can find copies!

The Vampirella Warren Era Checklist: A list of every Warren Vampi story! Every reprint volume from Harris Comics and Dynamite Entertainment! Plus little known trivia!

From the Stars also features: A foreword by Sean Fernald, the Official Vampirella Historian! A peek at Peter Cushing’s personal copy of the 1976 Vampirella screenplay! A frontispiece by legendary artist Bob Larkin, who painted covers for Warren’s VampirellaThe Rook, Eerie, and Famous Monsters of Filmland! Photos of Barbara Leigh in costume as Vampirella at the 1975 Famous Monsters Convention, held in New York! If there’s only one Vampirella history book you pick up, then be sure to add it to your collection!

From the Stars…a Vampiress: An Unauthorized Guide to Vampirella’s Classic Horror Adventures is available right now in print and as a PDF e-book, so visit its product page for ordering information. The print edition can be purchased from us as well as through your usual reailer outlets like Amazon, Amazon UK, and Barnes & Noble; the e-book is available through the SWC webstore and DriveThru Fiction.

This book is unofficial and unauthorized. It is not authorized, approved, licensed, or endorsed by Dynamite Entertainment or any of its licensees. Vampirella is a trademark of Dynamite Entertainment.

Vampirella Week kicks off next Monday, April 6, so mark it on your calendar!

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