The Official “Saga of Pandora Zwieback” T-shirt
Art by Bob Larkin
100% Cotton • Full-Color Silk Screen Image (Front) and B&W Text (Back)
U.S. $20.00
Now you too can be a styling monster hunter like Pandora Zwieback, in this official T-shirt featuring the full-color devil-girl image rendered by legendary painter Bob Larkin!
Just like Pan’s, this combed cotton jersey is pitch-black—perfect for blending into handy shadows—with Lilitu (the daughter of Latte, the iconic symbol of the fictional coffee-house chain, Latte’s Inferno) sticking out her tongue at the creatures of the night that are hungering for your soul.
Unlike Pan’s, the back is adorned with the Saga of Pandora Zwieback logo and the handy Web address so interested parties can check out all her adventures. And why shouldn’t they—right?
So go out there and show those ghouls who’s boss—but do it in style!
Available Sizes:
Women: Small, Medium, Large, Xtra Large [wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=4]
Men: Medium, Large, Xtra Large, 2XL [wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=5]
“Blood Feud” Art Print
Full Color, 11” x 17” art print
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Have you ever looked at the cover of Blood Feud, the first novel in our exciting Saga of Pandora Zwieback novel series, and thought, “Man, that’s some awesome artwork. I would so buy a poster of that!” Well, now here’s your chance!
Presented without logos or book-cover copy, this 11” x 17” cardstock print features the art of master painter Bob Larkin, and is limited to just 100 copies. Order yours today while supplies last!