Troubleshooters, Inc.: Less Avenging, More Invoicing

Boy, that Avengers: Age of Ultron movie sure is popular, huh? It took in $85 million just on its opening day (not counting the $340 million it’s already made in overseas box office receipts), and is expected to match the 2012 opening weekend success of the first Avengers. Apparently folks still enjoy tales of superhero teams—just look at next year’s Batman v. Superman: The Dawn of Justice (the sequel to 2013’s Man of Steel), which is pretty much a Justice League of America movie in everything but name.

troubleshooters_lrg_coverBut you know what else is an entertaining tale? Our graphic novel Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings, which stars a supernatural superhero-team-for-hire. Crafted by the husband-and-wife writing team of Richard C. White (author of Star Trek S.C.E.: Echoes of Coventry) and Joni M. White, and illustrated by Reggie Golden and Randy Zimmerman, TSI is a different take on the costumed avenger genre:

Leaky faucet? Call a plumber. For real problems, call Troubleshooters, Incorporated, the world’s first supernatural superhero team-for-hire. For the right price, Silver Oak (a wizard), Night Stalker (a werewolf), Yolanda (a sorceress), Shadowmist (a female ninja), and Lightshow (a hi-tech-armored roadie) are ready to take your case.

Edward Vanderland III is exactly the kind of client TSI is looking for as their first assignment: a millionaire threatened by evil spirits, he’s offering $50,000 for protection. Sounds like a simple enough job for a band of fledgling heroes. Maybe too simple.

As it turns out, Vanderland’s enemies—perhaps even Vanderland himself—are a lot more dangerous than the Troubleshooters were expecting. Why, if matters get any worse, they might just have to adjust their billing…

Intrigued by the description? Here’s what critics had to say about it:

“A very good spin on the ‘good-guys-for-hire’ formula. Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings is an enjoyable read that I would recommend to anyone.”Word of the Nerd

“In many ways Troubleshooters, Incorporated was ahead of its time, coming before the dawn of B.P.R.D. and Justice League Dark. This group was more in the superhero world, but they were out for themselves instead of standing for truth and justice.”Horror Talk

Troubleshooters, Incorporated: Night Stalkings is available in both print and digital formats. Visit the TSI product page for all the ordering information, as well as sample pages.

Hey, you’re gonna need something to read while you’re standing on line, waiting to get into Age of Ultron—why not TSI’s first adventure?

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